Superlattices and Microstructures of Dielectric Materials

Superlattices and Microstructures of Dielectric Materials The concept of dielectric superlattice was firstly proposed by Naiben Ming in the eighties of the last century. After laser was invented, scientists began to consider light instead of electrons as the information carrier, because light has many advantages over electrons for information processing and information transmission. Dielectric materials can transmit light like metal or semiconductor transmitting electrons.
Author:ZhuYongyuan,WangZhenlin,ChenYanfeng,LYQ&ZhuShining ISBN:978-7-305-17916-7
Publication Date:201703 Pages:524

About the Author

Zhu Yongyuan, functional materials scientist, professor of Nanjing University. Wang Zhenlin, Professor, School of Physics, Nanjing University. Lu Yanqing, Professor, School of Physics, Nanjing University. Chen Yanfeng, Professor, School of Physics, Nanjing University. Zhu Shining, functional materials scientist, professor of Nanjing University, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences.