A History of the Nanjing Massacre (English edition)

A History of the Nanjing Massacre (English edition) The Nanking Massacre was a mass murder committed by Japanese militarism in Nanking. It was a mockery of international laws and human morality, and has caused a terrible disaster for the Chinese people. After the Second World War, the Japanese right wing explicitly denied the facts of the Nanking Massacre and told lies of different sorts to mislead public opinion. For the past decade, Professor Xianwen Zhang and a team of historians in Nanking visited the archives and libraries in such countries as Great Britain, the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Russian and Japan, and based on a vigorous study of numerous first-hand original documents and oral history in Chinese and other languages, accomplished The Nanking Massacre.
Author:Zhang Xianwen. Translated by Liang Kan ISBN:978-7-305-15850-6
Publication Date:201511 Pages:568

About the Author

Zhang is Distinguished Professor, Director of the Center for Republican China Studies, and Director of Institute of the Nanjing Massacre at Nanjing University. Zhang is also Honorary Chair of the National Society of Modern Chinese History, Honorary Chair of the National Society of Early Modern and Modern Chinese Historiography, Honorary Chair of the Society of Nanjing History, and Honorary Chair of the Society of Republican China History. His academic interests include history of Republic of China and early modern and modern Chinese history.