Pictorial Catalogue of Rare Books in Nanjing University

Pictorial Catalogue of Rare Books in Nanjing University Based on Nanjing University~s rich collection of rare books, Nanjing University Library, together with the Nanjing University Museum, College of Arts, School of History and other organizations, comprehensively selected more than 280 kinds of precious and distinctive ancient works, to produce high-definition profiles and videos that best reflected the books, and combined them with professional explanation in the form of catalogues.
Author:Cheng Zhangcan and Shimei ISBN:978-7-305-25429-1
Publication Date:202205 Pages:560

About the Author

Cheng Zhangcan, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of College of Literature, Nanjing University, and Director of Nanjing University Library. Shi Mei, deputy director of Nanjing University Library and Nanjing University Museum.